Be GRATEFUL, Always!
“Keep saying Thank You. Don’t Explain. Don’t Complain. Just Say Thank You. Say Thank You to Existence” ~ Mooji
Dear Readers,
Greetings for the day!
Today’s notion is summarizing this sweet journey covered, but the end of a season signifies the rising aura of a new beginning. While I am writing this, the thoughts rushing through my mind and sentiments pouring out of my heart are leaving me mystified. You must be thinking why is it being tough for me today to convey my words?
I am surely going to write blogs more often from now onwards. Then why am I perplexed today?
Blog writing was never my way. I was all about writing memoirs and free verse poems into my diary. But my quick response to this wonderful idea has made me land here today. I reflect upon the past few days and it has been quite a journey. What an experience it was! Splendid, indeed.
I can sense that this quarantine period was meant to be extraordinarily awesome for me. I have introduced myself to a whole new ME. Feeling the depth of my own emotions and crafting them into words. Writing how thankful I am for all the things in my world and understanding the intensity of how beautiful life can be if we love the way it is. My consciousness has gained a new edge to look at every situation with a changed perspective. I, today, am sharing my personal experience with no Activity in the end.
Because today, 15.04.2020, is the day I want to express how phenomenal your life can be if you drench yourself into the ocean of Gratitude. It is not just about 21 Days of Quarantine (now extended though), it is about how beautifully you craft your thoughts into your own life. Keeping note of the thoughts you nurture in the Present is important because they will define your Future.
THANK YOU is my new mantra. It’s the rise of a divine flame.
For every moment I receive is a Magic, & the one I pass is a Magic. I want my entire life to be a Magic. And Submitting yourself to the moment is the only Magic.
At last, I thank you all, my dear readers. Your support everyday has rendered me to write my blogs to my best potential. It was challenging for me at the start but my dedication was ignited by the shout-outs and appreciations I received everyday.
Since you cannot go outside, go inside your inner-self. Make this quarantine a remarkable time for the Future YOU.
Stay home. Stay safe. Stay HAPPY. Stay Grateful. Stay Blessed.
Kanishka Joshi
( a new budding Blogger)