The Lost Vibe
I and my family shifted our home last autumn and it was a long-awaited moment to see ourselves in our beautiful brand-new nest. What excited me the most was to have my own room space as all my visualisations had finally been turned into reality with the perfect colour scheme, decor, blue flowery wallpaper, sheets, and furniture just to my taste.
After too many alterations into designs, yes’ and nos, acceptances and rejections about the Look n’ Feel of the room, the one and only detail that came out perfectly from my imagination was to have a pendant light in one corner of my room highlighted by a crisp eye-catching colour on the background wall and beneath the light, I place my huge lush green indoor plant. The light that comes out of the hanging roof light must enhance the vibrant green tone of my plant.
My heart skipped a beat as I saw that one perfect Arris of my own comforting space.
It was an indoor Banana tree with a widely spread-out six-leaf stem coming out of the soil in one finely set line. Its wide green leaves contrasting with the pink tone of the room corner were the apple of my eye and a coolant to my heart.
With the passing of each week, it was saddening to see the leaves turning dull and frail one by one. I had to cut each stem that lost its will to live more. A day had come when I had to move that plant into the sunlight just to identify what was the major reason for its dying spirit. Was it the water (though I watered it regularly and sensibly), the soil that caught mites (which was not the case either), or the air or the sunlight? Unfortunately, the plant died. And so was one part of my happy soul.
If at all it begins with you visualizing your bewildering thoughts scattered in a dark jet-black dungeon or a long tunnel, where your dreams have stopped breathing, or when you stop believing in the faces you see around you, or when your laughter feels suffocation, or you might as well feel cold being around people, friends or family- HALT RIGHT THERE!
I wish that plant could speak to me. I wish it could scream, shout or yell at me and communicate what was not right with it. I, being the plant caretaker, would have done anything to make it right.
There is something wrong. Something that needs to be corrected or needs urgent attention. It is never a necessity to seek help from others when we are our own flame. We are capable enough to light up and illuminate our own souls. We, the humans, are the self-watering plants. We just need to identify signs of our losing enthusiasm for doing anything.
- We all know our true nature (what kind of a plant are we? Which kind of soil is the most suitable for us to flourish, or how much water or sun exposure do we require?),
- Our present with “The Lost Vibe”(what are the factors that are causing the plant dullness),
- And our dreams or aspirations (how can the plant be a lot greener or how can it give life to new buds).
Our soul is as gentle as a tender plant. Let us all become the gardener of our own souls. Nourish it, pamper it, be a caretaker. Let us fulfil the basic necessities of our life with the perfect proportion of air, water, sunlight and soil, and rejuvenate the vibes that we lost back the moment some things began to go wrong.
As Identification & Correction becomes the key to a Happy- We!!
Thank you, Readers
With Love
Kanishka Joshi